
Information Literacy builds - Swine flu

Page history last edited by Sheila Webber 15 years, 7 months ago

This is the home page for material to do with the Swine Flu Information Literacy builds on Infolit iSchool. The best way of learning about the build is to visit it in Second Life at http://slurl.com/secondlife/Infolit%20iSchool/169/189/21/


Please feel free to add suggestions for problems, examples etc in Comments below!! Added later: but this doesn't seem to be working! If you want to comment - email me to request access s.webber@sheffield.ac.uk, or you can do that on this page on the wiki


The original (2D diagram and text) SCONUL model was created by SCONUL (http://www.sconul.ac.uk/)

Swine Flu Information Literacy Build based on SCONUL 7 Pillars

The basic 3D circular SCONUL 7 Pillars build was created by Sheila Yoshikawa (Sheila Webber) based on one that she had already created for Bird Flu (with examples related to "should we panic about bird flu?")  

The aim of the build is to provide objects/environments that can be used to stimulate thinking and problem solving, and develop information literacy e.g. what learners need to think about relevant to each of the 7 Pillars of Information Literacy. The aim is to provoke discussion and problem solving around issues to do with swine flu, not to create a set of links to information about swine flu (H1N1).


On 4th June 2009 there was session in which people discussed ways in which the build could be developed. The chatlog for the session is here: http://sleeds.org/chatlog/?c=417


Beforehand Sheila prepared a notecard outlining how she envisaged the build being used: it is on another page IL Swine flu - initial ideas


This includes various suggestiond from participants including the following:

Suggested questions

How can I avoid getting swine flu?

How does the tabloid media coverage (popular press) vary from the broadsheet?

What is the media timeline for swine flu stories?

How can companies manage risk if their employees go down with swine flu?

Is H1N1 an epidemic yet? (in particular countries)?

Will taking the flu drug do more harm than good?

Does it matter when I start taking the flu drug?

How long will it take for H1N1 to become resistant to the flu drugs?

How bad was the last flu pandemic?


Suggested disciplines


Media Studies

Information Studies/ Librarianship/ Information Management







Suggested resources

Sloog page of swine flu links in SL

Visualisation of spread over time


Suggested tools

Theatron HUD

Holoemitter (to cycle through different examples, then could explore or buy the one you wanted)


Suggested approaches, other than 7 pillars

Water based (punting)


Timeline to explore

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