Saved by Sheila Webber
on November 17, 2010 at 8:47:48 am
Discussions have been held regularly on Infolit iSchool under the aegis of the Centre for Information Literacy Research, and in June 2008 it hosted a Second Life track of the Learning Through Enquiry Alliance conference. The main organiser is Sheila Yoshikawa (Sheila Webber in Real Life). In 2009 (SL names) Pancha Enzyme, Lulu Guinness, Ishbel Hartmann and Maggie Kohime assisted as an informal organising committee. There are chat transcripts, and sometimes other material, relating to many of these events.
These events were held in venues around Infolit iSchool, unless stated otherwise.
Virtual Information Literacy/ Information Behaviour journal club on Infolit iSchool: first meeting (29 September 2010) Pancha Enzyme (SL name) of Edinburgh University proposed the idea, and led the first session, which discussed: Kuhlthau, C. C., Heinstrom, J. & Todd, R. J. (2008) "The 'information search process' revisited: Is the model still useful?." Information Research [ejournal], 13(4), paper 335. There is a chatlog of the session here: and a short video from the session here
Journal Club (September 29 2010) The first meeting of a virtual Information Literacy/ Information Behaviour journal club on Infolit iSchool. Pancha Enzyme (SL name) of Edinburgh University proposed the idea, and led the first session, which discussed: Kuhlthau, C. C., Heinstrom, J. & Todd, R. J. (2008) "The 'information search process' revisited: Is the model still useful?." Information Research [ejournal], 13(4), paper 335. There is a chatlog of the session here: There is also a short video at
Report from the information literacy sessions at the World Library and Information Conference (August 19th 2010) Sheila Yoshikawa reported back from the World Library and Information Conference (the largest international library conference, organised by IFLA) which took place in Gothenburg, Sweden, 11-15 August, and also report from the pre-conference satellite meeting on "Information Literacy: context, community, culture" which she convened (8-9 August, also in Gothenburg). There is an exhibit of material from this satellite conference, in particular, to stimulate discussion: this is now situated at
Children's and young people's digital literacies in virtual online spaces: Dissemination conference. (19th June 2010) This was the final meeting in a seminar series funded by the Economic and Social science Research Council (ESRC). "The aim of this seminar series is to consider the digital literacy practices which take place in virtual online spaces and to explore potentialities for literacy educators. " Sheila Webber? Yoshikawa chaired the event. (There is a log of the text chat from the event at (the presentations used voice, but there were transcribers text chatting key points for each speaker, and the text chat also reflects discussion). A set of pictures of the event in Second Life on 19 June can be found here: The speakers were as follows: Peggy Sheehy/ (SL name: Maggie Marat) “I'm not good at Math but my avatar is”. Her powerpoint is at
Additionally, Knowclue Kidd produced two videos from Peggy Sheehy's presentation: on Body Image and on Exploring identity. The second speaker was Rebecca Black (SL: Starseed Sodwind) “Early Childhood Literacy in Virtual Worlds.” Her website is at and the text which was transcribed in the event chatlog mostly uses a text that she provided. The third speaker was Constance Steinkuehler (SL: Constance Carnot) "Virtual worlds at the nexus of a constellation of literacy practice." Her websites are and
Available in SL are Constance Steinkuehler's presentation on the presentation board, some research posters, and you can also pick up the conference pack (including a set of virtual clothes with the seminar logos): go to
Gaming to Improve Health Literacy (13 May 2010) Brielle Coronet (Elisabeth Marrapodi in RL, Library Director, Trinitas Regional Medical Center ) presented results from her study to investigate whether interactive games can improve Health Literacy. Brielle created an exhibit with information on heart attack and stroke, on HealthInfo island (which opened in Information Literacy week!) and she collected data from visitors. Her presentation is at
Starting from zero: a librarian's involvement in a major SL initiative (6 May 2010) The Texas University system embarked on the largest academic undertaking in Second Life, involving a learning and teaching environment of 50 islands. Razitra Artizar (Sarah Jones in RL) a librarian at the University of Texas at Arlington, USA, talked about her involvement in the initiative: the opportuinities for faculty collaboration, challenges, lessons learned, and factors in success.
Virtual Worlds in Education... Why?!" (22 April 2010) Presentation from Silversprite Helsinki, which can be found here: Over the past four years, Virtual World Watch ( has monitored the use of environments such as Second Life by academics in UK universities and colleges. But why do these academics use environments which are startlingly different (or are they?) to other forms of teaching or instructional aid? What trends have emerged in their use? Which worlds are more popular than others (and why) in the education community? And how is the future looking for virtual world use in UK academia? Silversprite Helsinki (John Kirriemuir in RL) gave a presentationbased on the regular reports (8 so far) he has compiled on the ways that universities and colleges are using virtual worlds in education. The reports, a blog and podcasts can be found at
Report from the LILAC (UK Information Literacy) conference (8 April 2010) Pancha Enzyme and Ishbel Hartmann (who both presented at LILAC this year) reported back from this major information literacy conference, which had taken place 29-31 March 2010 (
Searching, shopping, sightseeing: literacies in virtual lives (18 March 2010) This was an official event in the ESRC Festival of Social Science (ESRC is the UK's funding council for social science research) - the only Festival event being held in SL! Researchers in information and digital literacies (Sheila Webber (Sheila Yoshikawa in SL) and Dr Julia Davies (DrJoolz Smythe in SL) talked about their research, with the emphasis on drawing out advice on more virtually literate approaches to everyday SL. The session was chaired by Professor Jackie Marsh, Head of Department in The School of Education, Sheffield University, UK (Jackie Darkstone in SL). Sheila's PowerPoint is here and there is a video of the whole event at
From Library 2.0 to Library 3D – Participatory Libraries of Today (14 December 2009) Kim Zwiers (Kim Holmberg in RL) "Researcher, lecturer, entrepreneur" from Abo Akademi, Finland gave a presentation (in voice) and lead a discussion (in text chat). See, and Holmberg, K. (2009) "What is Library 2.0?" Journal of Documentation, 65 (4), 668-681.
Information Services for learners in Second Life (December 7th 2009). The presenters were all from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland: Pancha Enzyme, Lulu Quinnell, Frank Lassard and Clint Carpaccio (and featuring the IS [Information Services] Cream van). The chatlog of this 7 Dec event is at
EDINA and SL(20 August 2009)Nicola Osborne and Andrew Bevan (RL names) talked about EDINA data services and consulted about how they could be used in SL. The chatlog is at
Information providers in a virtual world (6 August 2009) Lorri Momiji (Lorri Mon in RL, Assistant Professor, Florida State University, College of Information) reported on her study. The chatlog is here
Intellectual Property (IP) and SL (30 July 2009) Discussion led by Pancha Enzyme (Edinburgh University), looking at SL issues but also how Sl can be used to raise awareness of Real Life IP issues (copyright etc.) The chatlog is at
Inquiry Based Learning (IBL) and the First Year Experience (FYE) (23 July) Sheila Yoshikawa discussed how using IBL approach is part of a good FYE using the example of BSc Information Management at the Uni of Sheffield. Her presentation was in voice, but there is a log of the text chat at and the text of her slides (i.e. the text from the SL notecard) with short notes here:
Swine flu project & Information Literacy week updates (9 July 2009)
What Information Specialists say about SL (2 July 2009) presentation by Pancha Enzyme and Zeno Silvercloud. They reported back on findings from their survey and focus group discussions on SL for for networking, collaboration and CPD. This was based on their conference presentation at EAHIL in June 2009. Here are the slides
Collaborating in SL: business ideas for libraries (25 June 2009) presentation by Sheila Yoshikawa, and on the same day Web 2.0 in Higher Education, a discussion led by Maggie Kohime.
An Information Literacy month? (1oth June 2009). The discussion was led by Sheila Yoshikawa. The topic was the possibility of a US national information literacy month (see, and whether an information literacy month/week might be feasible in Second Life. There is a chatlog at
Developing the Swine Flu examples of the SCONUL 7 Pillars model of Information Literacy (4th June 2009) there was session in which people discussed ways in which the build could be developed, led by Sheila Yoshikawa. The chatlog for the session is here: and see also the page on this wiki Information Literacy builds - Swine flu
The Information Environment is Affect-Driven (21st May 2009) Adra Letov (Dr Diane Nahl in RL) led this research presentation/discussion (pictured above). She presented in Voice, but kindly provided text at IB and emotion: Dr Diane Nahl 21st May 2009. There is a chatlog from the rest of us at
Second Life ... revisiting media literacy. (14 May 2009) Marty Snowpaw (Marty Keltz in Real Life) led this discussion, drawing on his rich experience with new media. The chatlog of the session is at
Focus group on using Second Life for collaborating and networking. (30 April) This was facilitated by Pancha Enzyme, and is contributing to a study on library and information professionals collaborating in SL.
Impressions of the LILAC conference (23 April 2009) Sheila Yoshikawa, Ishbel Hartmann and Pancha Enzyme gave their picks from the UK's LILAC (information literacy) conference. The chatlog is posted at
The Academic Librarian in Second Life (13 November 2008) The presenter was Robin Mochi, who used Voice and therefore is absent from the chat dialogue at . However there was a pretty lively conversation from the other participants. Robin's initial focus was on her role as an academic librarian assisting a faculty member with his first class in SL. Robin provided a link to a presentation she had given on the topic::
Out of school play in online virtual worlds and the implications for literacy learning (6th November 2008). This was a presentation by Jackie Darkstone (Jackie Marsh in RL) and the chatlog is here:
Information Literacy and employability (30th October) Discussion led by Sheila Yoshikawa.
Reflections on the conferenceL'education à la culture informationnelle (24th October 2008) Report back from two speakers at this real life conference held in Lille, France: Sheila Yoshikawa and Leroimystere Alexandre.
Modes of library services in Second Life (22 October 2008) Discussion led by Maggie Kohime.
Developing 3D models of information literacy (2nd and 8th October 2008) Discussions on how to develop 3D versions of the SCONUL 7 Pillars model of information literacy. There are some notes from the first session on the wiki here. There is also some building on the island.
Inquiry based learning applied in Second Life teaching (28 August) North Lamar talked about his teaching in SL.
Research in Information Literacy (14 August 2008) Two presentations from a Real Life seminar the previous day, from Yazdan Mansourian and Pam McKinney.
A Second Life model of Multiple Intelligences (5 August 2008) Zotarah Shepherd described and toured us round the model she has built, based on Gardiner's concept of Multiple Intelligencies.
Using Second Life in a first year undergraduate module (15th May 2008) Presentation and discussion from Sheila Yoshikawa, Maggie Kohime and Ishbel Hartmann. Chatlog at
What is important for librarians to learn about Second Life and what role should they be taking? (October 24th 2007) chatlog at (this discussion, and all earlier ones, were on Eduserv Island)
Useful information sources and strategies for learning about how & where to shop (18th September 2007) chatlog at
How should Librarians present themselves in Second Life, or Facebook, My Space or other social networking tools, with a professional or a personal face? (4 September 2007) chatlog is online split into two parts at and
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